Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So today I was at my Cathay Pacific Internship and we were waiting for the instructor to arrive. A bunch of interns and I  were hanging around talking about what we did over the weekend and this one guy says "Oh yea, mine was pretty busy cause of states."  And I'm like...."Are you in DECA?" and he's like "Yea, how'd you know?"

So then I tell him I'm in FBLA and we start talking about all the differences and stuff and it was a very nice and fulfilling conversation.  I learned about DECA from the point of view of a smaller school as compared to a powerhouse chapter like MVDECA.  But what was very strange was that I felt that I now shared something in common with this guy.  I don't really know the kids in my internship group and the fact that he was in a business club let me feel like I share something with him.  Even though there are differences between DECA and FBLA, they are both business. And when you're stuck in a group where no one really knows anything about business, it's nice to make friends with someone who knows something about it, whether in FBLA or DECA.

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